They have always intrigued me, the little boxes you will find sat on every Lush store counter. Lots of different 'flavours' ranging from Atomic to the iconic Gorilla Perfume Dirty. Luckily, my good friend Clara had told me what they were, I wasn't one of the unlucky ones like my sister Amber! She lives in Italy and if she wasn't born in England, she'd be Italian. So, there she was in the beautiful location of Venice, and found just over the little bridge on Str. Nuova, the Venezia Lush. Inside she was invited to try a mint, at least thats what she thought it was. A long chalky, bitter, slightly foaming and odd tasting two minutes followed, and smiling through tightened teeth and watering eyes she eventually swallowed the foul mouthful and thanked the assistant greatly (her British politeness still gets the best of her!). No one told her it was to clean her teeth with, not something to be eaten. And as much as I laughed, I can't imagine she was the only one.

I have to admit, it took me some convincing, and after about a year of 'go on, try em' from Clara, I did. Now I am totally hooked. My first choice couldn't have been crazier, I jumped straight into the deep end and went for Chou Chou I Love You. I was completely mind boggled, and really questioned wether Lush had lost its mind! I mean, we have always had the smooth, white minty fresh paste to clean our teeth with and I couldn't work out how rubbing these little brown things (of which were a lot sweeter than I'd expected) on my teeth could actually clean them! But they did, and wow, my teeth felt cleaner than ever. I absolutely mean that too, I'm not exaggerating. They also felt cleaner for longer.

What you do is, put it between your teeth and chew. It makes a bit of a foamy mess, but that foamy mess can then be applied to the rest of your teeth. Try not to let too much get on your tongue, as at first they don't taste very pleasant. Once you get past the the odd feel and texture, you'll get used the the different tastes, and before you know it theres no going back!
I am however, a little concerned. I live in Wales, and our water doesn't have fluoride in, which is perhaps why I haven't given up the plastic tube of tooth paste just yet. My seven year old Molly is begging me to let her have a try, my fear is not that she won't like them but that she will! She's losing her baby teeth at the moment, with her big teeth slowly pushing their way through her gums and I feel the fluoride from tooth paste is important at this stage.
I asked Lush just how good toothy tabs can be for your teeth, and here is the
link they replied with. Although they're dentistry proven to clean your teeth better, and even help remove the plaque on your teeth, fluoride is not mentioned once in the video.
For now at least, I can't get rid of the plastic tooth paste tube here with two growing girls.
But for myself, I love using toothy tabs and will continue to do so.
Thank you for reading, and don't forget to check out my
Toothy Tabs Review.
After my blog went live, I asked my local Lush store in Cardiff the fluoride question, here is there awesome response.
That totally deserves a massive picture!